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1. Aries (白领菜)

Aries is known for their fiery and impulsive nature. When seeking revenge, they want to make a bold statement. The flower that represents their revenge is the white amaryllis.

The white amaryllis is often associated with purity and innocence, but in the context of revenge, it symbolizes a clean slate. Aries wants to start fresh after seeking revenge and move on to better things.

2. Scorpio (鬼灯花)

Scorpio is known for their intense and secretive nature. When seeking revenge, they want to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. The flower that represents their revenge is the ghost flower.

The ghost flower is a rare and eerie plant that grows in the desert. It is often associated with death and mystery. Scorpio wants their enemies to feel intimidated and unsettled after seeking revenge.

3. Capricorn (冬青)

Capricorn is known for their practical and ambitious nature. When seeking revenge, they want to ensure that justice is served. The flower that represents their revenge is the holly.

The holly is often associated with protection and defense. Capricorn wants to make sure their enemies pay for their actions and learn from their mistakes. They see revenge as a way to restore balance and order.

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